Site Rules

By registering as a member of, you agree to the following rules and terms which apply to ALL portions of the site including but not limited to; the forum, groups, blog, private messenger, activity updates, image gallery, email, etc.



No racially or sexually offensive comments, content, or links


No posts relating to religion as the sole topic


No spreading of any copyrighted material without express permission from the owner. In the case of blogging or adding locations, by your submission, you confirm that none of your content has been plagiarized or is in violation of any copyrights and that you have correctly cited all necessary sources.


No advertising, promotional material( self-promotion included), spam, irrelevant links, or links to 3rd party websites


Please carefully weigh the consequences of giving out your personal information to another member before doing so. We don’t recommend posting any identifying personal information that you would not be comfortable sharing with a stranger.


Keep all posts and media focused on the unexplained genre


No content about, or links to any material that advocates illegal activities or that incites criminal acts


We understand that certain topics can cause emotion, but please be respectful of other’s opinions and express yourself with language and/or actions that are not vulgar, profane, defamatory, indecent, offensive, discriminatory, misleading, unlawful, or threatening. Any content with excessive profanity will be removed.


No vulgar usernames


Defamation will not be tolerated


Only one account per member


No trolling, harassing, abusing, or threatening any members


No recruiting members to other external sites, groups, etc


Violations of the site rules will be handled based on the severity of the issue, but can result in certain actions against the violator’s account, such as but not limited to; warnings, content removal, account restrictions, account suspensions, and account blocking. We will always remove content that is fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading.

While most violations will result in a warning, more serious offenses such as threatening the safety of another member, for example, will result in the immediate removal of the offender’s account and the possibility of being reported to the authorities.