Bimini Road


Image: NASA

The Bimini Road, also known as the Bimini Wall, is a submerged rock formation located in the Bahamas. It is made up of a series of flat limestone blocks that are arranged in a straight line, extending for approximately half a mile. The rocks are said to be the remnants of a man-made pavement that dates back thousands of years and has sparked much debate within the scientific community.

The Bimini Road was first discovered in 1968 by divers who were exploring the area. The rocks were found to be lying in a very organized and linear fashion, leading some to believe that they were the remnants of an ancient civilization. The possibility of the rocks being man-made was further strengthened when it was discovered that they were not native to the area, but had been brought in from somewhere else.

The discovery of the Bimini Road has been the subject of much controversy, with some scientists claiming that it is a natural formation, while others argue that it is evidence of an advanced civilization that once existed in the area. Those who argue in favor of the latter theory point to the fact that the rocks are too perfectly aligned to be the result of natural forces and that they appear to have been cut and shaped by human hands.

Despite the ongoing debate, there is no doubt that the Bimini Road is an important archaeological site that warrants further investigation. Researchers have conducted numerous studies to try and determine the age and origin of the rocks, but so far, no definitive answers have been found.

One theory is that the Bimini Road was built by the ancient civilization of Atlantis, which is said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances thousands of years ago. According to this theory, the rocks were part of a massive underwater city that was destroyed by a catastrophic event, such as a volcanic eruption or earthquake.

While this theory is largely dismissed by mainstream scientists, it has captured the imagination of many people who are fascinated by the idea of an advanced civilization that was lost to time.


There are several snorkeling and scuba diving excursions that charter from Bimini.

For more information:

Bimini Road, Blue Lagoon, Bimini Bay, Bimini, The Bahamas






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