

Doorways leading to vast cavern deep within Derinkuyu
Image by Hans

Deep beneath the Cappadocian hills in Turkey lies one of the world’s most fascinating underground cities – Derinkuyu. This ancient city was discovered in the 1960s, and it is believed to have been built by the Phrygians around the 8th century BC. Derinkuyu is a complex network of tunnels, rooms, and passageways that are spread over more than 18 stories, with a depth of over 60 meters. The city was designed to house thousands of people, livestock, and even their food supply in times of trouble.

The Derinkuyu underground city is an exceptional piece of ancient engineering. It is a remarkable feat of architecture, construction, and planning, given the limited technology that was available at the time. The city was built using volcanic rock, which was easy to carve and shape. The underground passages were designed to be narrow, so that only one person could pass through at a time, making it easier to defend against enemy attacks.

One of the most intriguing features of Derinkuyu is the ventilation system. The city was designed with a sophisticated ventilation system that allowed air to flow throughout the underground passages. The system was so advanced that it was able to maintain a constant temperature of around 15-20°C, even in the hottest of summers.

Derinkuyu is believed to have been used as a refuge during times of war or natural disasters. The city has numerous rooms that were used for different purposes, including stables, kitchens, churches, and even a school. The city also has a complex system of wells and water storage tanks, which provided the residents with a reliable source of water.

Despite being built over 2,000 years ago, Derinkuyu is remarkably well-preserved. The city was rediscovered in the 1960s, and since then, extensive restoration work has been carried out. Visitors to the city can explore the various rooms and tunnels, and get a sense of what life was like in ancient times.


Though only 20% of the 18-story city is open to the public, there’s still plenty to see. The best way to experience Derinkuyu is on the Green Tour, but if you choose to go it alone and change your mind, there will be many guides at the entrance.

Derinkuyu İlçe Merkezi, Derinkuyu, Nevşehir, Central Anatolia Region, Turkey


“Derinkuyu Turkeys underground city of 20000 people”,
