Bridgewater Triangle


A boundary map of the Bridgewater Triangle

The Bridgewater Triangle is a region in southeastern Massachusetts that has been the subject of much fascination and speculation for decades. The area encompasses over 200 square miles and is roughly defined by the towns of Abington, Rehoboth, and Freetown.

The Bridgewater Triangle is known for its high concentration of paranormal activity, including sightings of UFOs, Bigfoot-like creatures, and mysterious orbs of light. The region has also been linked to numerous unexplained disappearances and murders over the years, leading some to believe that it is a hotbed of supernatural activity.

One of the most famous incidents associated with the Bridgewater Triangle is the case of the Pukwudgie. These elusive creatures are said to be small, troll-like beings with sharp claws and a mischievous nature. According to legend, the Pukwudgies are able to shape-shift, disappear, and reappear at will, and even control the weather.

Another strange occurrence associated with the Bridgewater Triangle is the appearance of ghostly apparitions and phantom hitchhikers along Route 44. Many drivers have reported seeing a young woman in a white dress standing by the side of the road, only to disappear when approached. Others have claimed to see a ghostly man in colonial attire walking along the highway.

Despite the many reports of paranormal activity in the Bridgewater Triangle, skeptics argue that there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. Some have suggested that the alleged sightings and experiences are simply the result of overactive imaginations or hoaxes perpetuated by attention-seekers.
