The Great Serpent Mound

Adams County, Ohio

The Great Serpent Mound is a prehistoric effigy mound located in Adams County, Ohio, USA. It is one of the largest and most well-known effigy mounds in the world, measuring over 1,330 feet long and 3 feet high. The mound is shaped like a serpent, with its head at the eastern end and its tail at the western end. The serpent’s body winds back and forth for over 900 feet before ending in a spiral tail.

The Great Serpent Mound was built by the indigenous people of the area, most likely the Adena culture, who lived in the region from around 800 BCE to 100 CE. The mound was likely built as a place of spiritual significance, possibly to honor the serpent as a symbol of renewal, transformation, and rebirth.

The mound is aligned to the summer solstice sunrise and the winter solstice sunset, indicating that it may have been used as a calendar or astronomical observatory. It is also situated on a high ridge overlooking the Brush Creek valley, which may have been an important trade route for the Adena culture.

The Great Serpent Mound was first surveyed and mapped in the 1840s by Ephraim Squier and Edwin Davis, who also excavated several nearby Adena burial mounds. They found no evidence of burials or artifacts within the serpent mound itself, but did discover a nearby burial mound containing the remains of several individuals.

Over the years, the Great Serpent Mound has been the subject of much speculation and controversy. Some researchers have suggested that the mound was built by an ancient race of giants, while others have proposed that it was a landing site for extraterrestrial visitors. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, and most archaeologists agree that the mound was built by the indigenous people of the area.


Visitors can walk along a path that winds through the serpent’s body and learn about its history and significance at a nearby museum. The site is also used for cultural events and ceremonies by Native American tribes, who continue to honor the serpent as a sacred symbol of their culture and heritage.

Admission to the site is $8 per vehicle.

For information about seasonal and holiday hours:

Serpent Mound, Buckeye Trail, Adams County, Ohio

