Kecksburg Space Acorn

Kecksburg, PA

Kecksburg Space acorn UFO monument


On December 9, 1965 residents in at least 6 US states and Canada claimed to have witnessed what was collectively described as a large fireball streaking across the afternoon sky resulting in further reports of hot metal debris, grass fires, and sonic booms along its path. The object purportedly crashed in a wooded area of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, a small rural town roughly an hour southeast of Pittsburgh.

State police were immediately dispatched to the scene of the crash which was subsequently sealed off in lieu of the arrival of US Airforce personnel. After what claimed to be an exhaustive search of the area officials noted they had found “absolutely nothing”, prompting the headline “Searchers Fail To Find Object” in the following day’s edition of the Tribune-Review.

As more and more speculation grew around what exactly it was that hundreds of people saw in the sky that evening, many explanations such as a plane crash, missile testing, and satellite debris were proposed only to be discounted by authorities who eventually stated it to be a meteorite. However, over the years, there had been many who claim to have made it to the crash site before authorities.

Those witnesses describe a large acorn-shaped object, bronze in color, and about the size of a VW Beetle, covered in markings resembling Egyptian hieroglyphics. They also tell accounts of Men in Black showing up at their doors, telling them to stay quiet about what they had seen.


In 1990 the television show Unsolved Mysteries followed eyewitness accounts to reconstruct a life-sized replica of the acorn to be used in a shoot. Following the filming, the prop was left in Keckburg where it now sits atop a raised platform for visitors to see. The Kecksburg UFO Store is located in the Kecksburg Volunteer Fire Department across the street.

5123, Water Street, Kecksburg, Mount Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, 15666
