Baltic Sea Anomaly

Close-up of the sonar image Baltic Sea  anomaly on sea floor
Close-up of the sonar image Baltic Sea anomaly on sea floor / YouTube user sonofmabarker

The Baltic Sea anomaly is an object discovered in 2011 by a Swedish OceanX diving team in the Baltic Sea. As the team was utilizing sonar to scan the ocean floor for signs of an old shipwreck in the Gulf of Bothnia, they stumbled upon a circular object with a diameter of about 60 meters, resting on the seabed at a depth of 85-90 meters.

The consensus amongst experts is that the object is a naturally occurring geological formation though several have stated that the image is too distorted to be trusted.

There is no shortage of theories speculating that the formation is extraterrestrial in nature or an ancient underwater structure with some even managing to explain away the image distortion by claiming the anomaly is giving off an electrical interference that disrupts electronic equipment.
