Black-Eyed Children

The Black-Eyed Children is a term used to describe mysterious and eerie beings that are said to appear to people, usually at night, and ask for help or to be let into their homes or vehicles. They are called Black-Eyed Children because of their dark, soulless eyes that are said to be all black, without any white or iris.

There are many stories and urban legends about encounters with BECs that have become a popular topic in paranormal and horror circles. Some people believe they are demonic entities, while others think they are extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings.

Most accounts of BEC encounters describe them as being very convincing and persistent, often appearing to be in distress and in need of help. They are said to have a strange and unsettling effect on those who encounter them, with many people reporting feelings of fear, dread, and unease.

There are many theories about the origins of the Black-Eyed Children, but no one really knows where they come from or what they want. Some people believe they are a manifestation of our collective fears and anxieties, while others think they are a warning of some kind.
