Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp

Cassadaga, FL

In 1875 George P. Colby, a trance medium known as the “seer of spiritualism” would travel to Florida following the instructions of his Native American spirit guide Seneca, in search of the area “surrounded by uncommon hills”. When Colby arrived at the site known as Blue Springs Landing, he immediately knew that this was the place that Seneca spoke of. Here Colby had begun to homestead land while continuing to travel as a medium. In 1894, after learning that his associates in New York were interested in founding a winter spiritualist camp, the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association was formed. Subsequently, in 1895 Colby deeded 35 acres to the founders.

Today the camp spans some 57 acres consisting of 55 homes, a hotel, the Colby Memorial Temple, a community library, a healing center, and a welcome center.


From booking a session with one of Cassadaga’s mediums or healers to Sunday church services to nighttime spirit tours, the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp has something for everyone whether you’re a spiritualist, skeptic, or just curious. To learn more about things to do while visiting follow this link Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp

1112, Stevens Street, Cassadaga, Volusia County, Florida, 32744


  • Not all of the mediums, healers, and attractions located in Cassadaga are directly related to the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. Make sure to do your research prior to visiting.

  • All of the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp’s mediums and healers undergo a minimum of a four-year rigorous certification process. During this process would be mediums or healers must attend classes on psychic development, mediumship and/or healing, platform decorum, and ethics. Advanced-level students are required to demonstrate their abilities in public.






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