Famous and Not So Famous Conspiracy Theories

man wearing a tinfoil hat
man wearing a tinfoil hat

Die Glocke

Die Glocke in a Nazi laboratory

After realizing that his Nazis were no match for the combined might of the Allied Powers, Adolf Hitler enlisted the help of Germany’s top scientists to begin work on the Wonderwaffe (Wonder Weapons) projects. Among these projects was Die Glocke or “The Bell”, a supposed anti-gravity/time machine, thought to be reverse-engineered alien technology in the shape of a bell

The Bell was thought to hold such staggering power that it would bring the rest of the world to its knees before the Third Reich, however, the Nazis couldn’t manage to harness its full power before the Allies completed the Manhattan Project and successfully ended the war

By the time Allied forces had made their way to the secret location that reportedly housed the bell device, it had been removed and any scientists and laborers who worked on the project had disappeared including SS General Hans Kammler, the officer in charge

NASA Faked the Moon Landing

In the years since the Apollo 11 moon landing, conspiracy theorists have argued that neither Neil Armstrong nor Buzz Aldrin ever took one small step for man, let alone one giant leap for mankind.

The following are just a few arguments put forward by conspiracy theorists when it comes to their idea of proof the landing was faked:

Images and video taken from the Apollo 11 mission   
seem to contain irregular shadows that are thought to be proof that an auxillary light source aside from the sun was used

Lack of Stars 
Conspiracy theorists use the lack of stars in Apollo 11 media to suggest that NASA simply couldn't be bothered to include them when they were desinging the lunar set

The earth is surrounded by a zone where highly charged particles from the sun get trapped known as the Van Allen Belt. It is assumed that astronauts canot pass this region without succumbing the effects of the intense radiation levels

Conspiracy theorists often point out that Buzz Aldrin is obvioulsy proudly saluting a waving flag and if there is not atmosphere, how could the flag be waving in the wind? 

The New World Order

cloaked figures in a circle around an altar

The corridors of the Denver International Airport are lined with strange, and disturbing murals depicting a dichotomy of scenes from war to world peace, statues of gargoyles preside above baggage claims areas, and a 32ft tall blue horse with glowing red eyes rears up over the terminal access road

These cryptic and out-of-place forms of “art” combined with the fact that the airport’s total price tag came in at 3 billion dollars over budget have led many conspiracy theorists to believe that there is a secret plan of a shadow government to instill a New World Order and the Denver Colorado Airport is its base of operations

Paul Mccartney is Dead

Paul McCartney is a zombie

Paul McCartney is dead is an urban legend that alleges Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash in 1966 and quickly replaced by a look-alike so as to not garner suspicion from Beatles fans, however, thousands have claimed to put together the subliminal imagery found on the album covers and cryptic statements that can be heard when particular songs are played backward leading them to discover the truth


crisscrossing Chemtrails in a clear sky over a city

Contrails, short for condensation trails, occur as water vapor from aircraft exhaust condenses and freezes, however, there are those who believe that these sky trails are not the direct result of a chemical reaction but proof that the government is spraying toxic chemicals in the air above our heads in an attempt to poison humanity or possibly control the weather


a tornado approaching a city

Speaking of controlling the weather, the Air Force’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), garnered quite a bit of attention from internet conspiracy theorists during its operation in the remote Alaskan wilderness (1993 – 2015)

HAARP was designed to study the ionosphere and developed technology for radio communications, however, it soon became the target of conspiracy theorists who claimed that it could manipulate the weather, triggering devastating events such as tsunamis and earthquakes at will, as well as control minds with a global reach

HAARP was the brainchild of Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens. Stevens died in a plane crash in 2010 and shortly after the Air Force decided that it did not want to continue funding the project and switched off the station in 2014

Flat EarthTheory

Although ancient people have depicted the world as round in drawings, paintings, and stories for thousands of years, and the ancient Greeks were able to accurately calculate the earth’s circumference around 300 BC, there are still those out there who will argue that we are aboard a pancake-shaped disk hurling through space

Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate

Barack Obama Certification Of Live Birth Hawaii

During the 2008 primary campaign between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, a chain email began to circulate that called Barack Obama’s citizenship into question citing his actual location of birth to be Kenya, a serious oversight for anyone with the hopes of becoming the next American president. This of course led to a public outcry for clarification which saw the Obama campaign post a copy of the birth certificate on its website

Shortly after the posting, the authenticity of the document came into question as there were accusations of the document having been forged using Adobe Photoshop, although the document was reviewed by fact-checking websites and found to be authentic

Further speculation arose in 2009 when researchers revealed that Hawaii destroyed all paper birth records in 2001. Contradicting this assertion, the public information officer for the Hawaii Department of Health later stated that they do not destroy vital records.

Although the thousands of people who requested copies of Obama’s birth certificate from the state of Hawaii were denied as they were not privy to the information, the director of the State Department of Health has stated that they most certainly do have Barack Obama’s original birth certificate on record

Covid was Manufactured

a virus under a microscope

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many conspiracy theories abound but none more prolific than the idea that goes directly to the root of the problem. From reports of black helicopters hovering high above cities dumping the contagion onto the masses to black vans packed with government operatives driving around neighborhoods and spraying lawns with virus-containing chemicals, COVID-19 was and still is believed by many to have been manufactured by the government as a way to control the population

The Kennedy Assasination

President John f Kennedy giving a speech at the white house

The events surrounding the November 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy have led to some of the most intriguing conspiracy theories of all time including government involvement and a cover-up that goes almost to the top.

While everyone knows the name Lee Harvey Oswald as the man accused of taking the life of the 35th president of the United States, many Americans still don’t believe that he acted alone. As Oswald was being transported to a local jail for the murder, he was approached and fatally shot by nightclub owner Jack Ruby, an action that conspiracy theorists found all too convenient

By the time the Warren Commission made public their findings in response to the inquest of Lyndon B. Johnson regarding the circumstances surrounding the assassination, conspiracy theorists weren’t keen on listening as they had already run away with their own ideas as to who the actual killer or killers might have been:

The CIA: One theory suggests that the CIA had a hand in the assassination as it was retaliation for the botched Bay of Pigs Invasion attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. This idea was fueled even further as initially, JFK’s brother Bobby Kennedy had thought that rogue CIA agents had been involved, although he later reconsidered.

The MOB: Another theory suggests that the assassination may have been a mob hit in retaliation for Bobby Kennedy‘s notorious vendetta against the organization

9/11 Was an Inside Job

In the time following the September 11, 2001, highjacking attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon that killed nearly 3,000 people, numerous conspiracy theories accusing the United States government of perpetrating the attacks erupted out of uninformed assessments of the media coverage and eyewitness statements

The most prevalent theory is that the George W. Bush administration knew of the impending attacks yet did nothing to prevent them as they believed that such an event would fuel hatred by the American people leading them to back the administration’s call for war which was nothing more than a way to gain access to oilfields in Iraq and Afghanistan

A second theory proposes that not only did the Bush administration have an agenda but they conspired to conduct the attacks with the help of a shadow government

Proponents of these theories cite statements such as the towers could only have fallen as the direct result of a controlled demolition and that the Pentagon was not struck by a plane but rather a missile

Flouride Makes You More Stupider

a mouth with black and missing teeth

Flouride helps to combat the weakening of teeth and the formation of cavities by rebuilding and restrengthening tooth enamel and as such is commonly added to drinking water in cities and towns across America, however, conspiracy theorists argue that the effects of fluoride far outweigh the advantages, and that even though city governments realize these harmful effects they continue to add fluoride as it is believed that they are paid to do so by pharmaceutical companies who would benefit from a constantly ill society.

Another theory claims that a hidden side effect of fluoride consumption is that it drastically lowers mental abilities resulting in the dumbing down of the population allowing an evil government to more easily excise control

Long Live the King

elvis presley sitting in a ufo in outer space

What can be said about this one other than there are some who still believe that Elvis Presley faked his own death and is alive and well (albeit very old)

In the 1990s, tabloid magazines ran wild with the idea that the King of Rock n’ Roll defied death and the watchful eyes of his millions of fans only to randomly reappear in strange places like alien spacecraft according to hundreds of so-called eyewitness sightings

Jesus and Mary Magdalene

 Mary Magdalene and baby

An old theory that was hurled into the mainstream by Dan Brown’s blockbusting novel “The Davinci Code”, suggests that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and fathered children extending the royal bloodline down through the ages. This would mean that somewhere out there (southern France as the book would have it) are actual descendants of the most royal of bloodlines and unequivocal proof of Jesus himself, however, the actual whereabouts of these ancestors of God are a highly guarded secret known only to their sworn protectors the Priory of Scion so if the story is true were probably not going to see the 23andMe results on the History channel any time soon

Black Helicopters

a Black Hawk helicopter flying over a city

In the 1990s amidst the popular militia movement, rumors of the United Nations piloted black helicopters patrolling American cities and suburbs grew through the many claims of so-called eyewitnesses, though most stories saw them having more to do with fears of alien invasion rather than a New World Order.

AIDs and the KGB

evil scientist in a laboratory

The theory goes that in 1974 the KGB (or possibly the CIA) developed the killer virus AIDS in a laboratory as a means of global population control and it is one that is still believed by many today.

This idea may have stemmed from the widely circulated theory of Dr. William Campbell Douglas who also believed that the virus was engineered by the World Health Organization who first experimented with it in Africa

Princess Diana was Murdered

princess Diana in limo

When Princess Diana “the People’s Princess” was killed in a car accident less than a year after her divorce from Prince Charles, conspiracy theorists popped out of the woodwork asserting that her death was no accident but an elaborately planned murder and cover-up orchestrated by the royal family

The theory claims that Princess Diana and her boyfriend Egyptian film producer Dodi Fayed, who was to propose the night of the accident, were murdered because the monarchy couldn’t bear the idea of the heirs to the British throne having an Egyptian, Muslim, stepfather therefore they effectively staged a car crash that would kill two birds with one stone

Although Diana was still alive when emergency services arrived on the scene, her medical care was supposedly sabotaged as she was treated at the scene according to French protocol instead of immediately being taken to the nearest hospital

Area 51

ufo hovering in an airforce base hangar

As of today, the only confirmed use of the Area 51 Air Force military installation is as a flight testing facility, however, its shady history has sparked more conspiracy theories than any other military installation in the world.

The installation is not accessible to the public and its satellite imagery (Google Maps) had been censored until 2018. Its parameter is under heavy 24-hour surveillance by what has been described as aggressive security who patrol the area in unmarked, white trucks. Facility employees, who are not allowed to carry any identification, reportedly fly in and out of the base via unmarked planes that leave from a highly restricted terminal within the McCarran International Airport.

Prior to 2013, The United States government had never admitted the existence of Area51 until its response to a Freedom of Information Act regarding declassified documents chronicling the history of the U-2 spy plane and Oxcart programs

Although the aforementioned seems like shady business, most of us would expect such secrecy from a SECRET military base, right? So, where does all the extraterrestrial hype come from you ask? Enter Bob Lazaar

Bob Lazar is a scientist who came forward in 1989 claiming to have not only worked at the mysterious Area 51 base but that he also had the job of reverse engineering a recovered alien spacecraft. Mr. Lazar would go on to describe precise details that only an employee with the proper clearance would have of the facility’s procedures. He would also describe interactions he witnessed between other employees and living extraterrestrials

Since Lazar’s first public statement, many have tried to discredit his statements though seemingly no one has been successful, especially in the eyes of conspiracy theorists who are certain he’s telling the truth

Global Warming is a Hoax

Climate change deniers believe that global warming is a conspiracy designed by the government as a way to subdue populations with taxation and the future implementation of lockdowns that will supposedly reduce mankind’s effects on the environment

Big Pharma Suppresses Cures

a man in labcoat holding a bunch of money

When it comes to conspiracies, those related to the healthcare industry are probably the most widely believed as at one time or another almost everyone has had a bad experience when it comes to their healthcare or the healthcare of a loved one

With the news media constantly filled with reports of new advancements and scientific breakthroughs within the industry advancing exponentially year after year, many people find it hard to believe that some of the most prolific diseases still exist with little headway made to slow or stop their advancement

This has led to a slew of theories accusing public health officials and the Food and Drug Administration of folding under pressure from drug companies to suppress statistics and knowledge of natural cures for cancer and other ailments in an attempt to force the public to become repeat customers

The Roswell Coverup

wreckage of an alien spaceship in the desert

RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Rosewell Region“, was the featured cover story in the July 8, 1947 issue of the Roswell Daily Record that made international headlines when it announced that the United States Army was in possession of a “flying disc” after its recovery of a large field of metallic debris near a Roswell ranch. The article also contained a statement from an RAAF crew member named Robert Porter, who was tasked with loading the wreckage of what he was “told was a flying saucer” onto a flight bound for Fort Worth Army Airfield.

This story of a flying disc was retracted the very next day during a press conference where army officials stated what they did in fact have was debris from a crashed weather balloon, abruptly ending civilian and media interest in the case for the next three decades until a book reigniting the idea of a coverup would be published

The Hollow Earth Theory

dinosaurs roaming inside a Hollow Earth

For centuries mankind has told stories of a world inside of our own much like that within the pages of Jules Verne’s “A Journey to the Centre of the Earth”. On the opposite end of that spectrum, many ancient and modern-day religions use deep caverns under the earth’s crust as the location for their iterations of Hell.

With the plethora of tales such as these, it’s no wonder that those who are prone to believing conspiracies often wonder what is going on just under their feet. From unextinct dinosaurs and alien bases to the secret home of a reptilian race, conspiracy theorists believe in the existence of another world deep within our hallow world, now they just have to find a way in

A Coldblooded Government

a reptilian in a suit standing in an office

A popular theory among ufologists is that a race of extraterrestrial reptilian beings, also known as saurians, draconians, serpent men, or lizard people, believed to hail from the Draco constellation, have used their shape-shifting and mind-control abilities to disguise themselves as humans, infiltrating the highest levels of world government and using their political prowess to influence societies.

When they are not campaigning for world domination, these reptilians are believed to live in underground tunnels and dwellings deep within the earth such as the large complex believed to exist under the Denver International Airport, as the environment closely resembles that of their own planet. Living in this manner allows the reptilians to retreat from public view and regain their strength as they can only manage to sustain a human appearance for so many hours due to the stress inflicted upon their coldblooded bodies

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