Georgia Guidestones

Georgia, US

Image by Jared

The Georgia Guidestones, also known as the American Stonehenge, is a granite monument located in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. The monument was erected in 1980 and is composed of four large upright stones, which support a capstone that weighs over 20,000 pounds. The monument stands over 19 feet tall and is inscribed with ten guidelines in eight different languages.

The origin of the Georgia Guidestones remains a mystery, as the identity of the person or group who commissioned the monument is unknown. The monument was built under the pseudonym R.C. Christian, and the identity of the person or group behind the name has never been revealed. The monument’s construction was funded by a small group of anonymous donors who remain unknown to this day.

The ten guidelines inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones are often referred to as the “Ten Commandments of the New Age,” and they include statements such as “Maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature” and “Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.” Some people have interpreted these guidelines as promoting a new world order or a eugenics program, while others see them as a call for environmental stewardship and population control.

Some people believe that the Georgia Guidestones hold hidden messages and prophecies, while others see them as a warning of an impending global catastrophe.


After being heavily damaged by an explosion on July 6, 2022, the Guidestones were dismantled.

Source: 11Alive


