Hoia Baciu Forest

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Hoia Baciu forest taken by Cristian Bortes
Hoia Baciu forest taken by Cristian Bortes

Hoia Baciu is a forest located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania is known for its eerie and mysterious reputation, as it is believed by many to be one of the most haunted places in Europe due to the many unexplained phenomena that have been reported there over the years.
Visitors to the forest have reported seeing strange lights, hearing unexplained noises, and experiencing feelings of being watched or followed. Some have even claimed to have seen ghosts or other paranormal entities.
There are also many stories of people who have entered the forest and never returned. One of the most famous legends is that of a shepherd who entered the forest with his flock of sheep and disappeared without a trace. It is said that he was taken by the forest spirits, and that his ghost still haunts the forest to this day.

Some believe that the forest is a portal to another dimension or that it is a gateway to the underworld. Others believe that the forest is cursed or that it is haunted by the spirits of those who died there.

Due to its reputation as a haunted forest, many tourists and paranormal enthusiasts visit the forest in search of paranormal activity or to experience the eerie atmosphere for themselves.


Hoia Forest, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Metropolitan Area, Cluj, Romania


“Hoia Baciu Forest: World’s Most Haunted Forest”, hoiabaciuforest.com
