Hornet Spook Light (Devil’s Promenade)

Quapaw, Oklahoma

a ball of fire hovering above a highway at night


The Hornet Spook Light is a ghost light phenomenon occasionally spotted along a lonely stretch of Route 66 in northeastern Oklahoma known to locals as the Devil’s Promenade. For more than a century now the mysterious glowing orb has mystified the hundreds who have lay witness to it.

Accounts describe the light as a ball of fire ranging from the size of a baseball to that of a basketball. Descriptions of the actions of the mysterious light also appear to change from person to person, with the light at times simply floating slowly down the middle of the road, to suddenly appearing and rising rapidly to a height just above the treeline before disappearing as quickly as it appeared, other accounts claim it to strafe side to side. Those unlucky enough to have been caught on foot claim to have felt the intense heat of the object as it passed by.

Since first being reported in 1881 many theories have been proposed in an attempt to explain away the phenomena such as the reflection of car headlights reacting to the surrounding atmosphere, or emission of natural gas, even though the ghost ball had been reported well before the invention of the first automobile and there is no theory as to what could ignite the gas over and over each night. Actually, to date, all ideas put forth by science and paranormal researchers alike have been dismissed as none can definitively pinpoint the origin, and with the Army Corps of Engineers simply deeming it a “mysterious light of unknown origin” it is possible that we may never know.


East 50 Road, Ottawa County, Oklahoma
