Island of the Dolls (La Isla de las Muñecas)

 Mexico City, Mexico

Photo: Karpinico (Wikimedia Commons)

Not long after moving to an island on Teshuilo Lake, Don Julián Santana Barrera discovered the body of a young girl entangled in the lilies along the bank of a canal. Barerra claims that as he stood there overwhelmed with grief, he heard the girl cry out for the doll which had accompanied her body down the canal. In an attempt to ease the girl’s spirit, he hung the doll in a tree not far from where he discovered her body and according to Barerra, each day thereafter as he would walk around the island he would discover a new doll strung up in a tree. 

Although many locals and even members of Barrera’s own family are suspicious of his story, claiming that he was probably the one placing dolls he had found in the trash in trees around the island, one thing is certain. Whether or not Barerra’s story is true or just a figment of his imagination, he devoted the rest of his life to the spirit of the mysterious little girl.

Ironically in 2001, Barerra’s body was found drowned in the canal at the same spot where he had discovered the little girl.  Local folklore claims that the girl’s spirit caused his death as punishment for Barrera’s inability to save her life and still haunts the island today.

In the years since his passing tourists to the island have brought dolls to hang in a tribute to Barreara and the little girl he found that day.


The island is located in the Xochimilco canals south of Mexico City. A few ferries depart Embarcadero Cuemanco or from Embarcadero Fernando Celada. During the weekends the canals can be crowded and the trip time and price will vary depending on which boat you choose.

Island of the Dead Dolls, Paseo Ahuehuetes, Xochimilco, Mexico City, 16043, Mexico
