How Haunted is the Lizzie Borden House?

Lizzy Borden House Outside
Source: Somerset County Library System of New Jersey

The sound of footsteps, doors slamming, chairs moving back and forth on their own, sights of ghostly figures moving between rooms, toys having a life of their own; these are some of the hauntings that have been reported at The Lizzie Borden House in Fall River, Massachusetts.  

The historic residence, considered one of the most haunted places in the U.S., is infamous for the double murder of Andrew and Abby Borden, Lizzie’s father and stepmother. On August 4, 1892, Andrew was found murdered while napping on a settee and Abby was found slaughtered in one of the guest rooms. As the prime suspect, Borden was charged with the murders, but was later acquitted. After the trial, she moved out of the home, which has been operating as a bed and breakfast since 1996. Recently, it was purchased by Lance Zaal, CEO of US Ghost Adventures, which specializes in ghost tours throughout the U.S.  

Source: Fall River Historical Society

The house is open daily from 10 am to midnight, continuing to operate as a B&B with a museum offering House Tours, Ghost Tours, and Ghost Hunts. If you really want to live the experience, there are accommodations that include six rooms/suites, decorated to complement the late-Victorian period of the home. You can stay in the John V. Morse room where Abby was found slashed with an ax along with other bedrooms including that of Lizzie and her sister, Emma.  

Due to its violent history, the house has become a breeding ground for suspected paranormal activity, being featured in shows such as “Ghost Adventures” and “Kindred Spirits”. You can read stories on the home website including videos and photos from guides and visitors all over the world recounting their experiences at the inn. Legend has it that spirits in the home can be bribed for silence, with young children (even the family patriarch can be swayed with coins and toys). According to the newest owner Zaal, “It is haunted. Guests have experienced limbs or ears being pulled, and they have seen figures moving about in the rooms. A woman in a nightgown is often seen in the Andrew and Abby Suite, and this figure is believed to be Abby Borden.”  

Source: Guest photo of the John V. Morse Suite on display at the inn.

Knowing all of this, do you think you could handle a night in the Borden home? 

Anyone who loves crime, history and the paranormal will enjoy the experience that the home has to offer. If you’re not a fan of engaging with any ghosts overnight, day tours are a great alternative while still giving you an entertaining experience.  

Raven, Robin. “Everything you want to know about staying at the Lizzie Borden House”. USA Today, 7 October 2021, 
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