Marfa Lights

Marfa, Texas

Spooky lights
Image by Gerd Altmann

The Marfa Lights, also known as the Marfa Ghost Lights, are a mysterious phenomenon that has puzzled people for over a century. These unexplained lights can be seen on clear nights in the desert of West Texas, near the town of Marfa. They appear as bright, glowing orbs that hover and move in the sky, sometimes disappearing and reappearing in different locations.

The first recorded sighting of the Marfa Lights was in 1883 when a cowboy saw the lights while driving cattle through the area. Since then, thousands of people have reported seeing the lights, including locals, tourists, and even scientists who have tried to study and explain the phenomenon.

Despite the numerous sightings, there is still no definitive explanation for the Marfa Lights. Some people believe that they are caused by natural phenomena, such as swamp gas or electrical charges in the atmosphere. Others think that they are the result of human activity, such as car headlights or flashlights. However, none of these explanations can fully account for the strange behavior of the lights, such as their ability to move and change direction.

One theory that has gained some traction among researchers is that the Marfa Lights are the result of a rare atmospheric condition called a mirage. A mirage occurs when the air near the ground is cooler than the air above it, causing light to refract and create a visual illusion. This could explain why the lights appear to be hovering above the ground, as well as their tendency to disappear and reappear in different locations.

Despite this theory, there are still many unanswered questions about the Marfa Lights. For example, why do they only appear in certain areas of the desert, and why do they seem to be more active during certain times of the year?


The town of Marfa has even established a viewing area for visitors to observe the lights, complete with benches, restrooms, and a gift shop.

For more information: Marfa Texas

Marfa Lights View Park, Presidio County, Texas

