Moai Statues

Easter Island, Chile

Moai Statues

Located on the isolated Easter Island in eastern Polynesia stands nearly 1,000 megaliths known as the “Easter Island Heads” (a common misconception as the statues are full bodies though are partially buried), giant human-like statues built by the Rapa Nui civilization approximately 900 years ago.

Archeologists believe that the Moai statues were carved to honor the important people within their tribe who had passed away. Placed facing away from the ocean and toward the village to watch over the people.

With each of the figures standing an average of 13 feet tall and weighing 14 tons, it is a mystery as to how Stone Age tribes were able to transport the massive statues from their quarry across the island to their different locations.


Cheap flights to Easter Island from Santiago are rare but not unheard of if you book well in advance and are flexible on the dates. The best time to visit Easter Island is in February during the Tapati Rapa Nui festival.

Easter Island, Easter Island Province, Valparaiso Region, 2770000, Chile

