
Donore, County Meath, Ireland

Image by Herbert Bieser

Newgrange is a prehistoric monument located in County Meath, Ireland. It is a passage tomb that was built during the Neolithic period, around 3200 BC. The site is one of the most famous and significant archaeological sites in Ireland. It is also recognized as one of the most important and impressive megalithic structures in the world.

The passage tomb at Newgrange is made up of a large mound, which is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are engraved with intricate carvings. The mound is made of earth and stones and has a diameter of approximately 85 meters. The entrance to the tomb is a narrow passage that is aligned with the rising sun on the winter solstice, which is December 21st. This alignment allows the light to shine directly into the chamber at the center of the tomb for about 17 minutes each year.

The chamber at the center of the tomb is a circular room that is approximately 6 meters in diameter. It is made of large stones that have been carefully placed to form a corbelled roof. The chamber contains three recesses, which are thought to have been used for the storage of human remains. The walls of the chamber are decorated with spiral and diamond-shaped carvings, which are thought to be symbols of fertility and the sun.

Newgrange is considered to be one of the most important examples of megalithic architecture in the world. The construction of the tomb would have required a significant amount of planning, labor, and resources. The fact that the site was aligned with the winter solstice suggests that it was used for religious or ceremonial purposes. The carvings on the kerbstones and the walls of the chamber also suggest that the site was used for ritualistic purposes.

Overall, Newgrange is a remarkable example of prehistoric architecture and engineering. Its alignment with the winter solstice and the intricate carvings on its walls and kerbstones suggest that it was an important site for religious and ceremonial purposes. The fact that it has survived for over 5,000 years is a testament to the skill and ingenuity of the people who built it.


Visitors can take guided tours of the site and learn about the history and significance of the tomb. The site also includes a visitor center, which features exhibits and displays about the Neolithic period and the construction of the tomb.

Newgrange, Mellifont ED, The Municipal District of Laytown — Bettystown, County Meath, Leinster, Ireland

