The Mothman

Mothman Artist's Impression
Mothman Artist’s Impression Tim Bertelink

The Mothman is a cryptid that many people believe that it is a supernatural being that comes to warn of impending disasters. The Mothman’s story began in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where it was first sighted in 1966. Since then, there have been many sightings of the creature all over the world.

The Mothman is described as being a tall, winged creature with glowing red eyes. It is said to be about 7 feet tall and has a wingspan of 10-15 feet. The creature is usually seen at night and is often associated with strange events such as UFO sightings and other paranormal activity.

One of the most famous sightings of the Mothman occurred in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. In November 1966, two couples were driving on a deserted road when they saw a large creature with glowing red eyes. The creature chased them down the road before they were able to speed away. Over the next year, there were many more sightings of the creature around Point Pleasant, and many people reported strange phenomena such as lights in the sky and strange noises.

The Mothman has been the subject of much speculation and debate over the years. Some people believe that it is a supernatural being that comes to warn of impending disasters, while others believe that it is a hoax or a misidentified animal. There have been many theories put forward to explain the Mothman’s existence, including that it is an extraterrestrial being or a creature from another dimension.


